When we left Appleton Cove, we fished on our way to the next anchorage. We caught 3 very nice silvers, (now I know why the pinks are just ok), and another halibut. We anchored in the small hook at the back of the bay. The sun was shining and we had beautiful, calm weather.

During the first night, the winds picked up and we were uncomfortable with the proximity of shore. So, the next morning, knowing another storm was coming through, we pulled the anchor up and re-anchored out in the bigger main bay of Baby Bear Cove. We hunkered down for a couple more nights, again waiting for some more windy and rainy weather to pass. This is becoming a familiar refrain this summer.
Some friends joined us the second night and rafted to our boat and we were able to spend some time together. (They are on a smaller sailboat, S/V Fern, a young couple, with a 10 month old son. They were planning on going to Mexico and were part of the cruising group we were in. They, too, are now wintering in Alaska). After waiting out the rain and wind in Baby Bear Cove, we headed to Kalinen Bay, just north of Sitka