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Alaska to Mexico

This series is going to cover a lot of ground.  From our trip to Prince William Sound, South to SE Alaska, back to Washington

2021 - Alaska to Mexico - A new video series from Cruising Sea Venture - EP 93

This video begins a new journey for us and a new video series. It marks the end of winter and the beginning of being on the move the rest of the year. While we are starting this journey in the far north, and going further north to start, we plan to end the year in La Paz, Mexico, some 4,000 miles of cruising from our current location. Will it work? Will the boat stay healthy? Will we stay healthy? How will the cats handle the days at sea? There is a lot of miles and adventures ahead of us. It's a very exciting time for the crew of Sea Venture.

2021 Alaska to Mexico - One more step forward, the wrong direction. Welcome aboard Sea Venture EP 94

We are taking the long route to Mexico, by starting in SE Alaska and going 600 miles north before turning our bow south. So yes, we are going south to Mexico, but first we are going north . . . In this episode leave Burnett Inlet and head north through Rocky Pass, a first for us, before arriving in the small village of Kake.

Cruising Alaska and getting ready to cross the Gulf of Alaska on Sea Venture – EP 95

Welcome to our cruise from Alaska to Mexico – but first, we are going to detour 600 miles north from our winter base in Wrangell Alaska. We just can not head to Mexico without crossing the Gulf of Alaska to Prince William Sound. In this episode we move into position and start waiting for a weather window for our crossing. In the meantime we explore the Inian Islands and visit Elfin Cove.

Crossing the Gulf of Alaska – Part 1 – on our trawler, Sea Venture – EP 96

We head off across the Gulf of Alaska, making a stop in the village of Yakutat along the way to wait out some weather. It turned into a great stop. We had a great time exploring the ocean beaches, caught a nice halibut from the tender and enjoyed the sites before heading back out into the open North Pacific for our final leg across the Gulf.

Crossing the Gulf of Alaska – Part 2 – on our Trawler, Sea Venture – EP 97

We leave Yakutat and head back out for the last leg of our crossing, a 35 hour run across the Gulf. Looking at 4 different weather models and talking to a professional weather router do you think we could find a 35 hour window where the conditions stayed as forecasted? We show just how unpredictable the weather in the Gulf of Alaska can be! After arriving in Prince William Sound and having a great first night at anchor we head to Cordova, but not before stopping for 30 minutes to catch 4 halibut!

Cordova Alaska, stormy weather and big Halibut – Cruising Prince William Sound on Sea Venture –EP 98

After crossing the Gulf of Alaska we are ready to go cruising in Prince William Sound. But not so fast, first we have to wait out more stormy weather in Cordova. We leave Cordova and head further north in search of better weather. What we find on the way while fishing requires the harpoon!

Jade Green Waters, a resolute Grey Wolf and so much ice! Cruising Prince William Sound Ep 99.

In this episode we continue our Prince William Sound Explorations by taking the dingy around Landlocked Bay. We get a rare look at an Alaskan Grey Wolf trotting along the shoreline, check out the remains of the town that was here in the 1900’s and find bear prints on the beach! Next, we are off to explore the Bligh Reef area, the location of the Exxon Valdez disaster, and then continue on to Jade Harbor, near the Columbia Glacier. In Jade Harbor we are treated to jade green waters, blue skies and spectacular mountain views! Oh, and ice, lots of ice!

What could go wrong cruising through ice? Exploring Alaska onboard Sea Venture - EP 100

EPISODE 100! It's hard for us to believe - 100 Episodes of Cruising Sea Venture! In this episode we go where no boat should go - or at least where no fiberglass boat should go - too far into the ice, as we explore the Columbia Glacier in Prince William Sound. This is part of our last great adventure into the north before turning south and pointing our bow towards La Paz, Mexico and the Sea of Cortez.

Prince William Sound - Cruising the wild north aboard our home and trawler, Sea Venture EP 101

We continue to cruise Prince William Sound in Alaska. The weather stays damp and cloudy and we explore a beautiful anchorage and find Terry, living aboard is homemade barge. This is part of our last great adventure into the north before turning south and pointing our bow towards La Paz, Mexico and the Sea of Cortez.

Cruising the Meares Glacier, Prince William Sound, Alaska aboard our home, Sea Venture - EP 102

Join us as we hike to a remote lake, cruise up close to the Meares Glacier and go find another great anchorage in Prince William Sound.

Cruising Alaska, Prince William Sound & Valdez aboard our home & trawler, Sea Venture EP 103

In this episode we work to find a good anchorage, free of wind, so we can relax for the night before heading off to Valdez, where we explore this most northern town in Prince William Sound.

Cruising Prince William Sounds glaciers in Alaska in our home and trawler, Sea Venture. EP 104

In this episode we continue to cruise Prince William Sound in June of 2021. We spent a couple of nights anchored in front of a fabulous water fall then visit the college glaciers, where we hang out in an area where 6 glaciers spill into the water in one fjord.

It's not easy! --- Boating in Alaska aboard our home and trawler, Sea Venture -- EP 105

In this episode we continue to cruise Prince William Sound in June of 2021. We celebrate the summer solstice, spend 3 great days with Eric and Jan from G'Day Charters, do some halibut fishing, and get boarded by NOAA Federal Agents, who seized our halibut.

Final days of Cruising Prince William Sound in all its glory aboard our trawler, Sea Venture, Ep 106

In this episode we are entertained by whales, eagles, sea otters and spectacular views of the surrounding mountains. We start to wrap up our time in Prince William Sound and begin to position ourselves for our ocean passage south.

Preparing and heading off on our Gulf of Alaska crossing aboard our trawler, Sea Venture EP 107

In this episode we prepare Sea Venture for an ocean passage and head off on our voyage across the Gulf of Alaska.

Crossing the Gulf of Alaska aboard our trawler, Sea Venture, EP 108

In this episode we pick up where we left off last time, in the middle of the night on night one of our crossing of the Gulf of Alaska. This episodes carries us through the 3 night passage, where we hit something in the night and have to dodge Orca Whales 30 miles off shore.

Continuing our journey - Alaska to Mexico onboard M/V Sea Venture - EP 109

In this episode we complete our crossing of the Gulf of Alaska, figure out what we hit in the night in our crossing, meet up with friends and continue our journey southbound from Alaska to Mexico.

Traveling South from Alaska into Canada and we cruise aboard our beloved M/V Sea Venture - EP 110

In this episode we continue our journey south, leaving Alaska for the last time for the foreseeable future. We clear Canadian Customs and begin our trek to Washington.

Transiting the Northern British Columbia Coast aboard our home and trawler, Sea Venture - EP 111

This episode includes 2 days and 220 NM of travel southbound from Prince Rupert to Fury Cove on British Columbia's north coast. This continues our journey from Prince William Sound south to Canada, Washington, California and ultimately, Mexico.

Traveling from Northern Vancouver Island to Everett in 3 days aboard M/V Sea Venture - EP 112

This episode documents our travels from Foggy Bay, just north of Vancouver Island to Everett. Much of it in calm waters, while some in 20+ knots of wind. This continues our journey from Prince William Sound south to Canada, Washington, California and ultimately, Mexico.

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