On to Alaska - 2018
In this series, we stretch our wings, literally, and test the paravanes we had added to Sea Venture during ‘The Great Refit’. We cruised the more direct route through British Columbia and on to Alaska. Once we arrived in Ketchikan, we cruised west. We found ourselves at the seldom visited Coronation island and cruised up the West side of Baranof Island putting our paravanes to the test. We experienced sunny days in Glacier Bay, breaching (too close?) and bubble feeding whales. We explored glaciers and bear habitats and enjoyed stunningly beautiful weather. Join us for an epic summer exploring the treasures of Southeast Alaska!
Leaving Puget Sound aboard our liveaboard Trawler on the way to Alaska - Cruising Sea Venture EP 26
Finally it's time to leave the dock and go cruising. In this episode we leave Everett and go to the San Juan Islands as we finish getting ready to head to Alaska.
Night Boating up the Inside Passage aboard our trawler, Sea Venture - EP 27
In this episode we cruise some more in the San Juan Islands, have an overnight with the kids, and then head north on a 29-hour run up the inside passage.
Trawler Life - Cruising British Columbia northbound to Alaska - Cruising Sea Venture - EP 28
In this traveling episode we leave Shoal Bay, travel up Johnstone Strait to Port McNeill, around Cape Caution to Fury Cove, up Fitz Hugh Sound, past Shearwater, through Jackson Passage, up through Grenville Channel an on to Prince Rupert, just south of the Canadian – Alaskan border.
Crossing Alaska's Dixon Entrance aboard our ocean going power boat, Sea Venture - EP 29
In this episode we go through Venn Passage, cross Dixon Entrance into Alaska, visit Ketchikan, have a close encounter with 3 humpback whales, cruise north to Meyers Chuck, then cruise to Exchange Cove on the east side of Prince of Wales Island, cruise around the north side of the island, and find a great spot to hang out for a time surrounded by the rocks.
Generator dead while anchored in Alaska - Boat life on our trawler, Sea Venture - EP 30
In this episode we travel from Prince of Wales Island to Warren Island in SE Alaska.
Cruising the seas off Alaska's west coast aboard our Ocean Going Passagemaker, Sea Venture - EP 31
In this episode we travel from Warren Island to Sitka, Alaska.
Sitka, Range Markers and Bears! - Trawler Life on Sea Venture - EP 32
Sitka, Range Markers and Bears!
Orca's, Touristy Juneau, Cultural Hoonah and on to Glacier Bay - Boat Life on Sea Venture - EP 33
In this episode, we start out by coming across what looked like several pods of Orca's! At one point we didn't know which way to look because they were all around us.
Cruising Glacier Bay on our Trawler, Sea Venture - EP 34
In this episode, we enter Glacier Bay National Park, go to Bartlett Cove, complete our required park orientation, then cruise north, visiting Reid, John Hopkins, and Margorie Glaciers.
Whales - Whoa! Way too close! Alaska onboard our Trawler, Sea Venture - EP 36
In this 2nd episode in Glacier Bay we reflect on the beauty of the park, cruise in epic weather, and investigate a rookery of Steller Sea Lions. We then cruise in “no wind and flat seas”, observe a Humpback Whale bubble feeding in our anchorage and come across breaching Humpback Whales who put on the best show ever! Then we cruise to downtown Juneau.
Characters and Icebergs - Aboard Sea Venture, our ocean going power boat, Sea Venture - EP 37
We start off in Juneau, Alaska, where we pick up Jim’s brother, Ron, and his grandson, Mason, who come and join us for two weeks from Mississippi. From Juneau we cruise to Taku Harbor, where we explore for a couple of days before cruising on to Endicott Arm and the Dawes Glacier.
Cruising Alaska's glaciers + Q&A aboard our trawler, Sea Venture - EP 39
We finally return to our SE Alaska series, we cruise Tracy Arm, push through some ice, encounter Grizzly bears on the beach, catch Halibut, enjoy Petersburg and Wrangell, ending up at Santa Anna Inlet - all without a drop of rain!
Boating along 3,000 foot cliffs in Alaska's Fjords + Q&A - Trawler Life on Sea Venture - EP 40
We start are trip into the Misty Fjords National Monument area, were we cruise glassy waters with 3,000 ft granite cliffs dropping into the water.
Boating in 50 knots of wind and having a great time! + Q&A - Trawler Life aboard Sea Venture - EP 41
In this episode we visit Misty Fjords National Monument, encounter 50 knots of wind and find some of the most spectacular anchorages in SE Alaska.
Whale watching and fishing the inside passage on our Ocean going trawler, Sea Venture - EP 42
In this episode we travel from Prince Rupert, BC, south to Fitz Hugh Sound, with some great anchorages along the way, Humpback whales everywhere and some great salmon fishing.
Cape Caution - 7 foot seas - Cruising aboard our trawler Sea Venture - EP 43
In this episode we cruise south from Fitz Hugh Sound, spend time in Fish Egg Inlet, round Cape Caution in 2.2 meter seas, finds lots of fog, and work our way to Port McNeill.
Come Cruise the inside passage aboard our home and trawler - Sea Venture - EP 44
In this episode we cruise Sea Venture from Port McNeill at the northern end of British Columbia south to the Straight of Georgia with stops in the Broughton Islands and the Octopus Islands along the way.